Thursday, May 19, 2011

Nicaraguan Character

I know that I should probably be writing specifically about the different speakers and events that I went to, but it is not so much the facts that I learn or the places that I have been to that are contributing to my learning. What I am taking away from the people that I meet are their characteristics and convictions. Two days ago we met a woman who had no other options in her life but to live in the municipal dump, rummaging through trash to sell back to middle men and picking through intestines and rotting meat to feed her family, whom of which were still malnourished. My heart sunk learning about the daily lives of a hundred people who live in the dump, but after meeting Yamilette, a woman who has risen herself out of the municipal dump through her will to help others is inspiring to say the least. Her modesty, strength, courage, and positive outlook on life were some of her qualities that were the most impacting to me. Despite the harsh reality of her past and present life, she is still grateful and humble for what she has and what she has to give to her community. This mentality and strength of character is what I hope to bring back with me even if I could come back with an ounce of such admirable humility.

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